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High Quality
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I'm particular about
1 - quality and 2 - service
these recommendations meet both criteria.
(Some are affiliate links some are not.)

These products and services are a part of
Empowering Health Journeys and my home.

Canada & Europe -  If you are dealing with fatigue, need to detox ... this company has some of the highest quality products.
Truehope - the flagship product - EMPowerplus Advanced
is the most studied micronutrient formula in the world, boasting over 30+ medical journal publications.  If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, depression, anxiety ... PLEASE check out this product.
Omega 3 source like no other I've seen to date.  Maybe it's because there is testing included!! 
I'm particular:
- Is there readily available 3rd party scientific information
- Is the equipment durable, environmentally friendly,
AND a real service to one's health?

These products and services are a part of Empowering Health Journeys and my home.
Arthritis, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes and MS.  This medical device has been studied and proven effective in long term use to improve, substantially, the symptoms of these autoimmune diseases.
If improving your microcirculation, by up to 30%, might change your quality of life then you owe it to yourself to experience "being BEMER'd".  Rentals, and USA lease agreements, are available.
Water & Air Quality Systems - linking coming soon.  What might CLEAN alkaline state water and clean hepa filtered air do for your health?
working knots and kinks out of our body ... 
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Business Products & Services
I look forward to working with you!
Client Retention Management, Pages (this website), Affiliate back office, Best Customer Service .... Hands Down
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